Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My New Outreach Project!

I just called DAPI, a local school for pregnant teens and they seemed interesting in me teaching a childbirth education(CBE) course once a month. I offered to volunteer my services for free. The director seemed interested. She had me leave a message for the nurse, whom I assume teaches the CBE courses. Of course my approach is it will make *their job* easier and save them money.

It would be a great way to instill confidence and trust in their bodies, their ability to birth. To normalize birth and help them to prepare for birth. I really think we need to start early with girls to teach them about their body's powerful birthing abilities.

I would give outs handouts on the childbirth process, a few articles and show some clips of a few documentaries. Of course also educating about OB's, midwives and doulas. Briefly touch on breastfeeding. I assume the course would last 4hrs I'm guessing. I should hear back from the nurse next week and hopefully we can set up a meeting!!!! Then if any of the teens who take the class I could put them in touch with a doula that would charge them a VERY reduced cost or do some probono births.

More about DAPI here http://www.dapi.org/