Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My New Outreach Project!

I just called DAPI, a local school for pregnant teens and they seemed interesting in me teaching a childbirth education(CBE) course once a month. I offered to volunteer my services for free. The director seemed interested. She had me leave a message for the nurse, whom I assume teaches the CBE courses. Of course my approach is it will make *their job* easier and save them money.

It would be a great way to instill confidence and trust in their bodies, their ability to birth. To normalize birth and help them to prepare for birth. I really think we need to start early with girls to teach them about their body's powerful birthing abilities.

I would give outs handouts on the childbirth process, a few articles and show some clips of a few documentaries. Of course also educating about OB's, midwives and doulas. Briefly touch on breastfeeding. I assume the course would last 4hrs I'm guessing. I should hear back from the nurse next week and hopefully we can set up a meeting!!!! Then if any of the teens who take the class I could put them in touch with a doula that would charge them a VERY reduced cost or do some probono births.

More about DAPI here http://www.dapi.org/

Friday, October 2, 2009

Free *ONE HOUR* Maternity or Newborn Shoot

Hi Ladies!I want to offer a free *ONE HOUR* maternity or newborn shoot to the first 5 people who contact me. This includes ONE free 8X10, if you want pictures beyond that (not required) you will have to pay for them. I would like to do these free sessions during November and December.

I'm new to photography but I plan to specialize in maternity, birth, breastfeeding and newborn photography.

I'm enrolled in a photography progam at DelTech. I'm working on buidling my portfolio. I've done a few sessions and have a few more coming up.

We can do these in the privacy of your own home, park or place of your choice. I'm willing to travel up to an hour.

If you are interested please email me cali4niachef@msn.com.
~ Cindy