Friday, June 5, 2009

Delaware Doulas Meeting

Some of you may have received an email previously about my desire to start an organization for all of the doulas that serve Delaware. I'd like to meet every other month so we could share "tricks of the trade", case reviews, swap books and just offer support for one another. I'd also like to put on an annual conference with speakers presenting topics on massage, lactation, and maternity health care system. These are just some ideas I'm thinking about. Anything is up for discussion.

Our tentative first meeting will be July 18th, saturday in Newark at Panera Bread on Main st. at 6pm.

If that date doesn't work for you please shoot me a message. If I get a lot of people letting me know that date doesn't work for them then we reschedule to the Saturday before or after the 18th.

If you could forward this email to other doulas (including aspiring) I would really appreciate that! If you don't want to be included in the emails about Delaware Doulas please let me know and I will gladly remove you.

I look forward to hearing from you and meeting you in the near future!